Alright everyone, I have updated the pictures but i am lame and don't know how to make them all right side up. Oh well just tilt your head a little and everything will be ok.
So this was Halloween in 2010! And my shirt is wet because of the apple Caleb is eating! I was "Cyndi Lauper", Caleb was Batman, and Tom was a Court Jester. It was A lot of fun! This was a party at my very good friend, Kacie's house.
OK so this is Caleb's 2 year birthday! It was fun, he has way too many toys but oh well!!!
We took him to Olive Garden and they sang to him! It was so awesome!
Ok so we bought a boat and here we are at Deer creek! Oh how Caleb loves the water!! It is so much fun!!!
So here i am at walmart waiting in line for the New Moon DVD! I always have fun when there is chocolate involved haha!~
So i was gettting ready and decided that i looked cute so i documented!! ( it doesnt happen often)
Also on my dad's birthday i took these pics of me with the girls in my family! I think we are pretty awesome! We are also very silly!
So this was my dad's birthday (march 2010) and i think these guys are hilarious. Ken feels short and tom and chris are ok with that!!